Enjoy the walk

Normally little Nev, our King Charles Cavalier gets three walks per day.

I normally take him for his morning walk as lying on my legs or he jumps off the bed and sits staring at me until I give in and get up! I shove my old joggers on, that Nev has chewed my pocket away since he was a puppy and off we go. During the walk I stretch my body with my mind and try to work out what is sore today, then I mentally and physically soften it to make it easier to go on with my day!

Kerry normally does the mid-day walk but sometimes I go to work a little later and get to take Nev out. But when I do, I seem to clock watch and seem too pre-occupied with the timings and not the walk or Nev. Having worked unusual hours for years in factories, pubs and at the gym you would think I would have gotten used to waiting to do something but sometimes it plays on your mind.

Waiting to go to a fight show knowing it is going to be stressful, you sit around waiting to go for hours before not resting, you don’t eat to enjoy the food you just consider it fuel and can get quite irritable (sorry Kerry); it is true pre-fight adrenal. On the way to the fight your body response kicks in after 35 years I am used to all the pre-fight show feelings, just another show. It is not unlike when I rush around driving the car to the car park, race to the gym ready for a class that does not come (gutted) and to add insult to injury I am here for the next ten hours; It loses all of the fun when you turn up an hour early for your working day even if you love your job. I am writing this due to a cancellation, so to make my time productive I write notes for blogs and work on new projects.

Getting back to Nev on his walk, I have learned to not worry about the timings when I take him out, I learned to calm myself down and not be so anal with my timings, it is very hard not to get stressed about timings when I teach hour by hour for a quarter of a century!

Now when I get the chance to walk Nev, I try to enjoy watching him chasing leaves and birds and sniffing things, like a K9 Sherlock Holmes on the trail of a missing rabbit. I join in with the fun with him (I don’t sniff things) but I do not worry about what is happening next in the day. I just enjoy the “now” with Nev. The moral of this tale is to enjoy the walk; whatever you do enjoy being there

Until next time

Big love from the AFC


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