
Showing posts from August, 2013

It’s hard to admit you are wrong!

Sometimes sorry seems to be the hardest word as the song goes but I have a word that seems even harder to say... I AM WRONG. No one wants to be wrong I hate being wrong but on the road to recovery you have to be honest with yourself first... Then you can start to get better…. I will explain, in my mind when I am having a “discussing” with my lovely wife Kerry and I have done something wrong I feel I have to justify the reasons I did the thing we are discussing but in doing that I seem to blame everything and everyone but myself (I find this hard to say!) yet when I am training and someone comes up to me and tells me I could do it this way to make it better I except it with open arms,  go figure. I find at times no matter what you show to people they will ignore it and do what they want to do anyway because they want to ( I think everyone  has that stubborn  side to their character…. God knows I do!)  Sometimes it is hard to be in the wrong, it frustrates me beyond belief. It’s a bit li