
Showing posts from October, 2017

one year on " A date with "The Dark Destroyer"

                                           A DATE WITH “THE DARK DESTROYER” When you get a text “Do you want Nigel Benn to teach at the gym? What do you text back? This was the text I got in July and it sent me into a spiral, thoughts of the ex-world boxing champion standing in the ring at the AFC, teaching how he became one of the most exciting fighters in the world was just too good to pass up so I said yes. The Day was to be split into 2 parts; 1.         A masterclass; teaching all the little details of movement of this skilful, powerhouse of a boxer. 2.         A question and answer session; answering all the questions you care to ask about his life and the fights he has had. After discussing the pros and cons of getting an event like this organised, along with the head of admin (my lovely wife Kerry), we started to ask people if they would like to be part of this unique event. We need a lot of money to pay for the day, but Kerry and I went ahead thinking that even

Nobody puts John in the corner?

Nobody puts John in the corner? This statement is so true. Life as a cornerman is a massive learning curve just as learning to be a fighter is, but it is a massively underrated part of the martial arts sports scene. I never even thought of being a cornerman because when I was younger I was fighting.   As part of my ninjutsu training we regularly sparred both upright and on the ground so I never thought anything of it. In the olden days because there was not the abundance of interclub or fight shows where people could try out their skill against one another we fought on courses or special weekends and kicked the living shit out of each other thinking it was normal. It was just part of the training; with no gloves, sometimes no gumshield and no cornering help apart from the odd shout of “kill him” from well-meaning bystanders. Back in the day, you could only fight in sport by going to an aba approved boxing club, Thai- boxing club or judo to fight and they never would mix the ar