
Showing posts from April, 2018

You are feeling very sleepy

Who doesn’t love a nanna nap, where you just drift off into sleep with no cares in the world. Having a nap is lovely, but what happens when you feel you can drift off at any time? Since my nose had been broken in three different places (never go to those places again) my snoring was reaching a peak and after countless ‘discussions ‘during the night with Kerry I went to the doctors to see what they could do about it (before Kerry killed me in my sleep). I was beginning to wonder as she was watching documentaries about true crimes and how to commit the perfect murder… To my surprise I was told it is not my nose or my asthma it was sleep apnoea. I was given an online test to do with the doctor and as I was always good with tests I score 19 out of 23 which is good for a test but not for sleep apnoea. Kerry had to fill a questionnaire in because she would be able to tell the signs and fill in the blanks so to speak. I was feeling very tired and could nod off nearly anywhere; even when Ke