
Showing posts from March, 2016

Friday night's going to be alright……

What do you do on a Friday night? Is it the end of your working week? Do you work Saturdays and Sundays? Nana Nap and out on the town…. Friday night when I was in primary school was great we just had to suffer hymn practice in the afternoon resulting in a very numb bum due to having to sit on the hall floor with a teacher that would waive her baton stick like harry potter waived his wand and we would still sing out of tune or sing inappropriate words and get sent out (but it was more fun that way) , after suffering this ordeal and after you could feel your legs you would make it back to your class room and see a surprise on the board for you...homework to be in by Monday! You would leave with a sprint unlike the tortoise speed of your return on Monday morning with the homework you did just after your tea on Sunday night before you went into the bath keeping the Sunday night bath night tradition alive and well. After getting home and you wolfed down egg, sausage and chips with lashings