
Showing posts from February, 2017

Is it important?

What is important to you? What do you want to do? And how to get it! This is a bold statement for my early morning train journey to London but each statement above will affect your life in so many ways. Stephen Covey the author and motivational speaker (an amazing man) said you can order your life to free up space into these four sections. Important/urgent Important/unurgent Unimportant/urgent Unimportant/unurgent These take a little thought to get your head around but I will try to explain Important/urgent Your child gets something stuck in their throat and is choking! This is something that you must deal with straight away, your child’s life depends on it Important/unurgent Your tax return, it is important because you must do it but unless you leave it until the last day you  have time to do it. Unimportant/urgent A ringing phone, it may not be important but it wants you to pick it up. It may be just a PPI cold caller reading

47 and one week

This may mean nothing to you but my life changed with these numbers; my dad died then. This head ache has been following me around for a few weeks now and over the years I have come to expect it, my subconscious is fighting a battle with my conscious not to let me get upset and break down in floods of tears. My heart ache is repeated year after year since my dad’s passing, I try to push it to one side but it just slowly creeps back in like the cancer that killed him. My concentration is not good around the anniversary of his death but this year is special; I am going to be his age when he died. I don’t know if that has bothered anyone else who’s dad or mam died young but is has haunted me for a few years now as it has crept closer and closer to the day. When dad died, he had done so much in his life from being a teddy boy and good amateur boxer, he was so good he got asked to turn pro but became a marine engineer because he had to have a trade to fall back on, as it was not a