
Showing posts from April, 2015

Social or anti-social

Social media websites such as Facebook and twitter has had an amazing effect on our lives and how we see things and hear about things in our daily life. Things around the globe are instantly put up so the rate of information we get is like instant coffee; instant. Weather it is good or bad news you find out about it as quickly as the story develops, a shooting, a plane crash or birth. In the older days when I was young you had to be glued to the television at certain times of the day waiting for the 1 o’clock news or news at 10 if you missed it you had to wait for the next newscast. Today they tell you anything as quickly as typing (not my typing because I only use two fingers) some of the things reported are so far from the truth but we are helpless to stop saying what they want when they want, it is the rise of the keyboard warrior! These keyboard trolls (good name) try to make people listen to their half-truths, no truths or completely made up stories normally to hurt the person it