
Showing posts from December, 2011

A whistle stop review of the advanced fighting centre in 2011, what a year!

The year started off the same as any other year, apart from the large amounts of snow we endured during the latter end of 2010; everyone is paying back Christmas but have an eye on training hard and finding what they could fit into their budget. The scrap pack fight team came into the year a little on the chubby side (lol) and it took the best part of January and February to get them into fighting shape! When you have some time off at Christmas you should ease into the year carefully so you do not over train or injure yourself just because you or your partner are over keen to get back into full on sparring! Work on techniques and progressive drills, then, when your fitness, timing and technique is better, then you can spar (unlike the unscheduled bouts you may have see or been involved in at the bigg market over the season of ‘good will’). Our first major event of the year was Sean Bollinger from 10 th planet Riverside (lets go) seminar in the gym.  Sean and his assistant, Jeremy, exp