
Showing posts from August, 2014

In it to help

What did you start Martial Arts for? Self-defence, discipline, Bruce Lee or wanting to become a ninja ( that’s me) as you travel along this path of Martial Arts at some time or another someone is going to ask you to help them with a technique ( unless you are really bad and stay that way) So it natural for you to help people that are having problems. So at what point does that change, when does the ego arrive? “These minions are beneath me i will not help them “or in some cases" you have no more to teach me, I am amazing and everyone else is rubbish!" I had a case a few years ago in Ninjutsu were a young lad that went to Japan as an 8th Kyu came back in under 2 months as a black belt then informed me he had transcended my teachings and i had no more to teach him! Wow the rise of the ego! I tried explain that just because someone gave him that belt (or paid for it) i may have a little more training to offer him! My coach and Mentor, t