
Showing posts from December, 2017

Levels of frustration

In every part of your life you feel different levels of frustration, from when you are a baby to adulthood the level goes up and down, but it is always there in the background. Watching a baby cry for everything it needs, parents then develop a 6 th sense of what the cry means, like decoding the Morse code. As the baby begins to turn over it firstly brings its knee up and flicks it out to create enough momentum to turn over then promptly cries; funny little things. Then once it has learned how to turn over, it starts to work out the mechanics of crawling and is often seen face down in the carpet, sobbing with a face full of snot and tears getting very frustrated with the lack of forward progress. Once crawling has been mastered clinging on to things, like a drunk leaving the pub, the little one makes it to an upright position only to fall over, and then repeat the process several hundred times; quite a work out. When you see your child walk for the first time, it is an amazing exper