
Showing posts from October, 2012

What did I come upstairs for?

Do you ever go upstairs at home get there and forget what you were looking for or do you go to the shops and come home with things but not the thing you went for in the first place? Yes that happens to me too! As I do different arts both training and teaching, people often ask if I get confused about which art I am doing at one time. The answer is not much as I put them in their boxes; let me explain. In my head I have my arts that I train in put in little shoe boxes in a little storeroom and whenever I need a certain art I will go along a corridor into my storeroom (like in a old shoe shop) collect the box, open it and use it. When I have finished with it I will return it neatly to its shelf in the storeroom - O.C.D! Most people are audio or visually minded people, that is, the way they take in information and process it to gain an answer. I like being visual, I put on a little film show above my head to gain the answer - I just have taken this a step further lol. I use the storeroom