
Showing posts from October, 2013

Time to hang up the guns

Sometimes I feel like I am an old cowboy out of the eagles song “Desperado”, a song by Tim Healy I first heard at a Sunday for Sammy gig at the city hall Newcastle ( sing for the Toon!) His heart felt tune brought him and the crowd to tears… (I cried a little); the words are about an old cowboy that should change his ways but is a little reluctant … I really am that cowboy. I have always prided myself on my teaching , I would give 100% to all my classes, masking the pain and the aches and let people kick me , punch me ,wristlock , throw and choke me. I have been my own uchideshi (live in student) for the past 20 years full time teaching and I have trained for over 30 years. The AFC (formally the BBD) started so that we had a place to train that was ours, no one to tell you that you had to leave or we were closed for the holidays or there was badminton on. I wanted a place so that martial arts groups could train under the same roof and not bitch about which art is better than the other!