
Showing posts from May, 2016

Time Waster

In my last blog I talked about the people that drain you of energy and things you can do to avoid them, but you could be the person holding yourself back. You could be part of the one day gang, that sit and tell everyone that will listen their story about when they find the time or the money or when they are fitter etc. They will do X, Y and Z were in actual fact they will do fuck all but moan on and on about it for years to come! They now fall in the gang you would like to avoid …. How do you avoid yourself…..? I am sitting at my desk at the AFC writing from the notes I jot down when they spring to mind and this forms my blog, it is funny how my brain works. I have a rare hour off from training due to a cancellation so instead of messing around on Facebook or YouTube (I know you all do it) I am spending quiet time writing so I can get on with the important things that need to be done. It would be so easy to become distracted and waste the time I have doing things that are unimportant