
Showing posts from January, 2015

In memory of my dad (THE STARS ALIGN Jan 16th 2008)

THE STARS ALIGN Wednesday 16th January 2008. 9.15pm I was just leaving the gym after another day of classes and was heading to the old George, the AFC's resident pub when I had a double take on a group of people out side the kebab shop. When you see someone that you know but don't know your brain goes haywire, which was what happened because the group was BJ Penn and his training team!! I said hello and asked if I could have a photo with him! BJ being BJ said no problem, Simon took the photo with his phone and after I thanked him BJ was just about to walk away when he asked if we had just finished training because he was looking for a guy called John! You could have knocked me down with a white belt, BJ Penn was looking for me. BJ explained he was staying at an apartment block close to the gym away from the Marriott where the rest of the fighters are staying so that he can come and go as he pleases, and someone told him to come and see me for

things to do

things I did not do After every year comes to an end you spend your time sitting and reflecting on what goals you had set and the things you were going to do and whether or not you did them. When you are younger the 6 weeks holiday was a lifetime of endless days and Christmas was a mix of fun excitement and family time as you get older it is true what people say the years get faster and faster , sometimes as if it was a roundabout I would like to get off. Goal setting is a good way to start a year but as you look back at your piece of paper of the previous year's goals, sometimes the feeling of disappointment flows over you, You did not lose the weight you wanted, your body had went downhill (even with your oil of O'lay night cream) its feeling like you could not stop the tide. Sometimes in life, life gets in the way of living the many things that made you do things you did not want to do and stop you from doin