
Showing posts from March, 2012

Clothes don't make the man...

Hi and welcome to this month’s ramblings. The world of grappling is vast and very different in approach and application; it is said to be the first combat sport and still remains today, for the vast amount of the world, the No.1 pastime in the martial arts. Tribes of warriors would meet on the battlefield and to find out who was the most skilled, fighting over a village or honour or as a rite of passage to manhood. As the years moved on, styles developed and progressed and certain rules of engagement evolved so as not to injure your opponent. With this, the arts and styles changed to make things more socially acceptable and in this sometimes lay the problem. Catch wrestling was developed as a release from the pressures of life at the pit face of the mining industry. The men involved were a hardy breed due to their job so they had a natural strength developed through their harsh working conditions. The art of catch–me–if–you-can was developed around strong fighters with strong throws on