
Showing posts from August, 2015

The universe decides for you

I remember going to see a spiritualist medium many years ago and while talking to her she explained that the caste on my wrist was the spirits trying to slow me down and as I sit nursing a damaged big toe and joint with a foot likes shreks I believe she maybe on to something. All of my life I seem to do things until I hurt myself (including some relationships lol) when I was born I was 6 weeks premature and had to be fed every 2 hours (some things never change) and all the way through my childhood I have always pushed to see if I could do things ranging from my pack runs every Sunday morning were I would load up my pack and webbing slide into it and set off on a 3 mile run always running never stopping. One day my mam got talking to a lady and she was telling her of this young lad of about 12 that used to run passed her house sweating but you could set your watch by his timing every Sunday, the lady seemed more surprised when my mam said it was her son!( the crazy kid) I remember the A