
Showing posts from May, 2012

What inspires you, fires you?

It is Friday night at 8pm, I have just come in and eaten a king prawn stir fry washed down with a pint of orange juice. My two daughters are running riot around the house due to a combination of no school tomorrow and a game that is acted out with military precision using their imagination; they have in turn inspired me to write about it! When you have trained in the martial arts for as long as I have (30 years next year) as Geoff Thompson says: I am two days older than water … no laughing! You would think that the arts would become boring doing the same old training the same old way to polish your technique; you would be wrong I am even more inspired to train now than I have ever been even if my body can’t muster what my head thinks I can (jumping kicks are off my Christmas list). When I am not training at the gym I am sitting at home watching DVD’s about training or reading books about training or watching the dreaded YouTube about training! (What a nerd I hear you cry, I am, I am).