
Showing posts from September, 2014


BUTTERFLY Have you ever been stopped in your tracks by a beautiful butterfly dancing across the sky, flying then settling on a flower then without warning flying again? We were in Berwick on a family weekend away and I was taking a walk on the battle mounds that fortify Berwick from the raiders of old and the caravanner’s of recent times (I don't know which one is more scary looking?) when I saw a beautiful butterfly just flying and landing then off again seemingly enjoying itself and feeling on top of the world and basking in the sunshine! When I watch people come into the gym they are like little caterpillars just inching their way along a leaf to spend their time munching on the edge of it learning that it needs to eat a lot to grow, just as the student has to learn the basics to progress, but also be watchful that the birds don't eat them if they are not careful! Just as students get side-tracked by Belts, ego's and injuries that stop them progressing! The